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About Us

Naamo Surfaces is an extremely versatile product due to its process of sintering. Think about it like this, rocks are formed over hundreds of years under the ground which results in high amounts of pressure and heat to form the density of the rock. The technique of sintering reduces this process to a few hours with the use of trademarked Italian technology that puts the pressure of two Eiffel Towers on the natural raw materials while simultaneously heating it at 1,400°C to form a flawless stone. Unlike natural stones which commonly have imperfections and holes in the form reducing the structural integrity of the stone, the process of sintering results in a stone that is formed to perfection. 


Your imagination can create anything. Our surfaces can too.

Common Uses


Kitchen countertops

Kitchen sinks

Kitchen claddings


Bathroom countertops

Bathroom claddings

Bathroom trays

Bathroom sinks



Floors and cladding



Swimming pools


Outdoor kitchen

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